Bank Calendar Guidelines

Simsbury Bank Calendar

Last Updated: Nov. 2017


By looking at the present year and previous years bank calendars we can get an idea of the type of photo that is likely to be selected.  Also refer to the Addendum – Highlights of our Agreement with the Bank at the and of this document for additional information.  We will be competing with other clubs (most likely Granby and Canton) so we need to have better quality and subject matter on our photos that cover all 4 Seasons, in order to get as many of our photos as possible published.  This is a serious competition the results of which can significantly affect finances of our club. For each one of our photos that the bank selects for the calendar the Bank will pay our club $100.  In the past this has been one of the largest sources of income for our club, averaging in the neighborhood of $1000 per year.

The target date for submission of our photos to the bank is around the date of our first meeting in the Fall. For this reason, if you can not make that meeting, please send your submissions to Gary Gianini before that date following the guidelines listed below. For mailing or dropping off at Gary’s home the address is: 5 Butternut Circle, Avon, CT 06001.


Towns to be included for 2018: Avon, Bloomfield, Granby, Simsbury and West Hartford.

For submitting digital photos:

  1. Submit a 4″ X 6″ Print of each photo. Write on the back of the photo: The Title, the Town where the photo was taken and any other ID (Example: Simsbury, Tulmeadow Farm), The Photographer’s Name and Phone Number.
  2. Submit one or more CDs containing all the photos being submitted. Write on the CD with a Sharpee Marker or other appropriate marker: The Photographer’s Name and Phone Number, The Year of the Calendar (Example: Simsbury Bank 20XX Calendar), and if submitting more than one CD, the number of CDs being submitted (Example: CD #2 of 3).
  3. Digital files should be a resolution of at least 300 dpi and size no smaller than 12.5″ wide by 9.5″ tall.
  4. While not a requirement, in past years the bank has appreciated that all our submissions were uniformly placed on a 6″ X 9″ manila envelope containing one CD and photos included within that CD with the outside of the envelope marked as follows: Photographer’s Name & Phone Number, Year of the Calendar (20XX) and the number of CDs and photos included in the envelope. (Gary will have a bunch of these envelopes at our first SCC meeting for those of you who may wish to use them).


Open Elements and open the picture you want to submit. Click *crop* on the left side of the screen.

Click *Aspect Ratio* on the second line at the top of the page. Click the small arrow to the left of Aspect Ratio. Click *Reset all Tools*. You should see *Custom* to the right of *Aspect Ratio*. Insert 12.5 to the right of Custom, then 9.5 to the right of that, and 300 to the right of that.

Go to a corner of the image and drag the cursor toward the opposite corner. You will see the selected portion of the image surrounded by a darker grayed out unselected area. Holding down the left button on the mouse and moving the cursor allows you to move the selected area.

When you are satisfied, click the green arrow below the image and you are done with sizing and adjusting resolution. At this point you may want to sharpen the image.

To save the image, click *file* and *save as* at the upper left corner of the screen. Enter or modify the title of the image and make sure you are saving as a jpg. Click *ok* and you will see a box that has a quality slider in the middle. Make sure that the slider is all the way to the right. You are now ready to submit your image. Make a 4×6 print to go with the file for the picture. Note that the image on the print will not cover the 4×6 paper. That is ok.


Some of our members, who sell their photos in the open market, may be reticent to submit their best photos for the Bank’s calendar project.  Having learned of this fact, The Simsbury Bank has graciously agreed to the following:

The Bank will retain exclusive ownership for two years; after that time, the photographer may sell or authorize the use of a selected image to any person or company on a non-exclusive basis. The restricted period is the two calendar years from the year for which the photo was selected and appeared. For example, photos selected for the 2019 calendar could be sold on a non-exclusive basis to prospective buyers starting 1/1/2022.

The Bank may elect, by giving its written permission, to grant a photographer the right to sell or use an image before that time. For this permission, please contact Susan Presutti, AVP, SBT, at 860-408-5493 or preferably at: [email protected]. However, the Bank retains the right to use the selected images indefinitely.

Please remember that our deadline to submit photos for the bank calendar is the first club meeting in September (third Wednesday of the month).  Kindly bring your submissions to this meeting in the Fall (following the above guidelines) so Gary can pass them to the bank on time.  Or mail them (or drop them) to Gary before the meeting at: Gary Gianini, 5 Butternut Circle, Avon, CT 06001… THANK YOU!!!


  • We anticipate that a total of fifteen (15) images will be selected by the Bank from the members of the Clubs submitting images. The Bank will pay $100 per image to the originating Club. The images, whether electronic files, slides or negatives, will become the property of the Bank for use, reproduction and dissemination at its sole discretion at any time, in any manner and for any purpose in perpetuity. The Bank will have the right to use portions of a chosen image or to modify any image that it purchases, without the photographer’s prior approval.
  • The Bank would prefer images in high resolution digital form, but will consider slides and large format negatives as well. Digital files should be a resolution of at least 300 dpi and size no smaller than 12.5″ wide by 9.5″ tall. We require that all images presented be accompanied by a 4×6 inch color print for use during the selection process.
  • The Bank would like images that represent all four seasons and be of subject matters from all of the communities in which the Bank has branches and does business. These areas are: Avon, Bloomfield, Granby, West Hartford and Simsbury. Images should be confined to these locations.   Importantly, we would prefer multiple images from each town so as to provide us with a depth of choice. The images should be representative of the area and be of a combination of places generally recognizable by residents of the area as well as some not necessarily recognizable places. There should also be a variety of close-up versus far view images.
  • The Bank expects to choose images from a pool of no fewer than 100 images per Club. Since the Bank would like to have the opportunity to make its selection from as large a pool as possible it is acceptable for a Club to submit for consideration several images of the same subject. Images submitted but not selected for previous year’s calendars are, very welcome.
  • Images of recognizable persons or private property will also require permission from the person or from the owners of the property and the Club will be responsible for obtaining that permission and provide the names and addresses of those individuals and/or property owners to the Bank before that image is chosen for purchase.


See below the Property and Personal Releases used by the Simsbury Bank.  You may wish to make copies and keep them in your car trunk for use as needed.