Contest Categories for 2024-2025

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September, 2024 - Images due by September 1
OpenREGULAR - 2 images + Comments
This category is open to all types of photographic images. The major part of each image must have been captured by light sensitivity. Photographs may be modified using digital image editing programs. A scanner may also be used as a camera to capture photographs of objects placed on the scanner glass. [...]
MonochromeSPECIAL - 1 image, No Comments
Images display varying amounts of light, all of the same hue. [...]
NatureAdditional - 2 images + Comments
Restricted to the use of the photo process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest presentation [...]
October, 2024 - Images due by October 1
TravelREGULAR - 2 images + Comments
A Photo Travel image is a portrayal of the real world we live in, as it is found naturally. There are no geographic limitations. [...]
ShadowsSPECIAL - 1 image, No Comments
Image must include a shadow as its main subject. The shadow may be on any surface or object. [...]
November, 2024 - Images due by November 1
NatureREGULAR - 2 images + Comments
Restricted to the use of the photo process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest presentation [...]
AbandonedSPECIAL - 1 image, No Comments
Anything left behind or deemed of no further value by some, but possibly reclaimed by nature, animals, or even other people. [...]
December, 2024 - Images due by December 1
OpenREGULAR - 2 images + Comments
This category is open to all types of photographic images. The major part of each image must have been captured by light sensitivity. Photographs may be modified using digital image editing programs. A scanner may also be used as a camera to capture photographs of objects placed on the scanner glass. [...]
CurvesSPECIAL - 1 image, No Comments
Be it C curves, S curves or spirals, a curve must play a significant role in the composition of your image. Judges will be grading on the curve, I would suppose. [...]
January, 2025 - Images due by January 1
OpenREGULAR - 2 images + Comments
This category is open to all types of photographic images. The major part of each image must have been captured by light sensitivity. Photographs may be modified using digital image editing programs. A scanner may also be used as a camera to capture photographs of objects placed on the scanner glass. [...]
High KeySPECIAL - 1 image, No Comments
High key images are bathed in light, de-emphasizing shadows, frequently resulting in an aura that is ethereal or dream-like. [...]
NatureAdditional - 2 images + Comments
Restricted to the use of the photo process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest presentation [...]
February, 2025 - Images due by February 1
CreativeREGULAR - 2 images + Comments
The Simsbury Camera Club definition of Creative photography is a modified version of that defined by the PSA and it incorporates many of the NECCC Guidelines for Altered Reality. The image must display some alteration in color, texture, shape, arrangement or location of that subject matter that is different from the real life appearance. [...]
Still LifeSPECIAL - 1 image, No Comments
This is defined as the depiction of inanimate subject matter [...]
March, 2025 - Images due by March 1
OpenREGULAR - 2 images + Comments
This category is open to all types of photographic images. The major part of each image must have been captured by light sensitivity. Photographs may be modified using digital image editing programs. A scanner may also be used as a camera to capture photographs of objects placed on the scanner glass. [...]
The Eyes Have itSPECIAL - 1 image, No Comments
From glaring to glassing over, from canines to kitties from bugs to butterfly wings, just to name a few if it has an eye or looks like one, it is fair game [...]
April, 2025 - Images due by April 1
PortraitREGULAR - 2 images + Comments
Image of a person or group of people that displays the expression, personality, and mood of the subject. This is done through the use of effective lighting, backdrops, and poses. [...]
BacklitSPECIAL - 1 image, No Comments
Having the primary source of light behind your subject [...]
May, 2025 - Images due by May 1
OpenREGULAR - 2 images + Comments
This category is open to all types of photographic images. The major part of each image must have been captured by light sensitivity. Photographs may be modified using digital image editing programs. A scanner may also be used as a camera to capture photographs of objects placed on the scanner glass. [...]
FramingSPECIAL - 1 image, No Comments
Elements within these compositions should create visual boundaries that lead the viewer’s eye to the intended focal point. [...]